Compare and contrast the difference between Active Transport and Passive Transport in a cell. In order to receive credit write your answer out in your own words. No video link for this one... you'll have to research it!
james young
10/26/2011 12:50:35 pm

Active transport: were molecules move in the direction opposite of diffusion
Passive transport: were molecules move from a higher concentration to a lower concentration

They are alike because they are both transporting molecules. But they are different because they are moving in different directions. Passive transport is much like diffusion when active transport is the opposite.

Tommy McDowell
10/30/2011 03:34:33 am

Diffusion and Osmosis are both types of PASSIVE TRANSPORT - that is, no energy is required for the molecules to move into or out of the cell.

Sometimes, large molecules cannot cross the plasma membrane, and are "helped" across by carrier proteins - this process is called facilitated diffusion.

Active Transport - When cells must move materials in an opposite direction - against a concentration gradient. It requires Energy.

Proteins or Pumps are found in the cell membrane transport molecules across the membrane.

Both involve the transport of a substance across a membrane, and the change in concentrations on different sides of a membrane. Both are also important to the proper functioning of a cell.

Josh Franklin
10/31/2011 01:17:30 am

The difference between active transport and passive transport is that active transport is when the movement of a substance is against the concentration gradient. The passive transport is when a substance moves across the. Biological membrane and THROUGH a transport protein in the membrane.


brittany maglet
10/31/2011 04:17:49 am

active transport when the movement of a substance is against the concentration gradient. when a substance moves across the biological membrane and through the transort protein in the membrane is passive transport

charon wilbon
10/31/2011 04:50:07 am

Active transport:are molecues moving in the opposite direction of diffusion

Passive transport:are molecules moving from a higher concentration to a lower concentration

They are similar because they are both moving molecules. Passive transport is much like diffusion while active transport is the opposite

Du'Shonta Weaver
11/1/2011 04:47:37 am

To me passive transport is a process which is carried out along the concentration gradient and active transport is carried out against the concentration gradient.

Autumn Austin
11/1/2011 09:19:21 am

Passive transport is where molecules are moved across membranes, but does not involve chemical energy unlike Active transport which does require chemical energy. Active Transport is moved against its concentration gradient(low to high). Active transport uses energy.

Ta'Zhae Washington
11/4/2011 10:39:17 am

Passive Transport is when molecule travels from a higher concentration to a lower concentration through a concentration gradient.

Active transport refers to when molecule travels from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against the concentration gradiet.


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